Keystone Corridor Study

The Keystone Corridor Study was designed to identify and evaluate potential multimodal transportation improvements on Keystone Avenue. This study identified a strategy for developing Complete Streets improvements that was coordinated with adjacent plans and existing land use and redevelopment projects with an emphasis on safety.

NDOT’s Bridge Program provided information for the study on existing conditions and needs for future projects on Keystone Bridge. The corridor study area was from California Avenue, in the south, to McCarran Drive, in the north, and Booth Street from Riverside Drive to California Avenue. Also, limits included: California Avenue from Cherry Lane to Newlands Circle and Foster Drive from Booth Street to Keystone Avenue. Significant areas of focus were: safety for all modes, bicycle, pedestrian and ADA counts, traffic operations and efficiencies, transit services, infrastructure for alternative modes, and integration with land use plans. Plan development was based on community outreach events and collaboration with the City of Reno and other agencies as appropriate and planning-level design of roadway improvement options.

The study was adopted by the RTC Board.